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H T T P : / / E D E N - T R E S M A G N I F I Q U E . B L O G S P O T . C O M

Look it up in the dictionary
A happy kid, but the world changed me
Philosophical, analytical & judgmental
"Masculinity is just another common stereotype"
Find out more about me:
MSN/FCBK - edenxkid-@hotmail.com

Content Copyright Reserved ©





  • December 2009
  • January 2010
  • February 2010
  • March 2010
  • April 2010
  • May 2010
  • June 2010
  • August 2010


    CREDITS (!)

    Thursday, August 12, 2010
    Back fo sho'

    Hello everyone, lately I haven't had much time to post anything here. It's been... two months?!
    I think some of you may have already unlinked me from your blogs cuz I've been super inactive.
    Haha alright, back to business. I'm rotting in the IAD studio now, the block's over and I've got two (and a half) weeks of holiday boredom ahead of me. Not to mention, I'm not allowed to pursue my biggest life hobbies (eating) as the fasting month has commenced and (shopping) because I've got to save up for the New York trip next year.

    Oh and did I tell you all that I'm looking my worst now?
    My acne has taken my sheer ugliness to a whole new level. That and, my untamed locks. I swear it looks like a combination of a lion's mane and pubic hair. Like seriously, I'm quite disgusted by it myself.
    Every time I look in the mirror, I feel like a loser doomed to eternal hideousness (is that a word?)
    You can't guess how many times I've sunk into depression because of my looks. I think it's quite evident in my previous posts also hahaha.

    Okay I think maybe it serves me right for being so shallow in the past.
    But I never was shallow to random people, only to those I disliked who had been judgmental to me themselves. Like, what gives me the right to insult another person's appearance unless they've insulted my physical features themselves first, right?
    All's fair in love and war, I guess.
    I've pretty much got a beauty regime planned out so that I won't worsen my condition. I'm just hoping that it'll work out because I really have no confidence to do anything right now. Even leaving the house is becoming a chore now.

    Other than that, I'm pretty much living the antisocial life now. It's the same cycle on repeat; I drag myself to school and ignore the world, camp in the studio till late night, starve myself and only munch on snacks, and back home to sleep. This goes on from Monday to Saturday and Sunday's schedule is different because I'll (probably) be at home the entire day.
    Anyway, I'll further update all of you what's been happening when I get home aite.

    I want my old life back, period :(
    Fiannino departed @ 10:16 PM

    Friday, June 18, 2010
    Blogskin v1.3


    Okay, it's the end of the block as you all can see, hence I'm posting on this long-dead blog.
    And I have this strong feeling that I screwed up the subject (MTPre) big time.

    Ahh and as you can all see, I have improved the layout of my blog. It's Star Wars-themed now! Go easy on me about the horrible Photoshop edits, I'm still in the learning process.
    And there's a reason why. Star Wars: The Old Republic, the highly-acclaimed MMO of 2011, A.K.A the sequel that I had been awaiting for for 5 stinking years, is finally going to be released soon!
    I can't wait to get my hands on trying out the game. My hands have been itching for some lightsaber-swinging, force-wielding, gravity-defying and mind-twisting action. It's finally here like yay!
    I am definitely going to storm to the game shop the moment it's released, or heck even preorder the game prior to its release date. Yes I am THAT obsessed with it.
    (ok geek mode off)

    So anyways, a lot of you have been complaining about how you don't understand why I don't have holidays when the other TP-ians do, and how I am constantly preoccupied with work.
    First off, allow me to brief everyone about how our block system works:
    1 MONTH = 1 BLOCK
    For every block completed, we are entitled to a week of holiday.
    So if for example I underwent two blocks in a row, I'd have two weeks of holidays after that and vice versa. Usually, the sequence would be like 2 - Break - 3 - Break - 2 - Break - 3 - Break (and the cycle continues till year 3) and because of this, I probably will find much difficulty finding a job.
    And I had only just figured out how this system works, would still be in the dark about it had it not been for the Parents' Engagement Night they held. I was one of the retards who actually attended it with my parent, because I feared that my mom would get lost in the school and camp overnight on the cold floors, hungry and desperate (hahaha okay exaggerated much but you guys get what i mean)

    Yesterday, I actually went through the pains of sleeping slightly earlier and disciplined myself so that I would wake up at 9.30 am just to await the opening of the CDS registration system at 10 am.
    HAHA! Apparently to me, I think it's important because I wouldn't want to end up taking a subject that I'm totally not interested in. Besides, it was on a first-come first-serve basis.
    Agreed with Momo and Zen to take up similar choices so we'd increase the probability of ending up in the same classes. Now that's true hoeship, man. For the win.
    However, because we had no knowledge of what to do seeing that our Course Manager and Care Persons totally ditched us and told us nuts about all this shiat, the IAD students were all confused.

    So my choices were in this particular order:

    1. Creative Storytelling

    2. Textiles Manipulation & Design

    3. Brand Building Strategies

    4. Multimedia Fundamentals

    5. Visual Presentation Essentials

    6. Marketing for Designers

    7. Model-Making

    Why Creative Storytelling? Simply because I've seen works of senior IAD students being exhibited at different places in school. The way they described their works are simply jaw-dropping. And that's where I thought, "Hey, I wanna write JUST like them!" and hence its placement in the choices.
    Oh and sorry Nizam! I just don't like this Model Making shit. Form Exploration already had me literally ripping off my already-screwed locks (refer to the picture above), I wouldn't wanna pain myself with an elective I'd dread going through.

    And so much for my 1-week weight loss regime! I was pretty much too lazy and indulgent in my GrandChase to bother getting off the seat and doing even a little exercise, what more head to the gym every day!
    But oh well, there are other alternatives to losing weight :)

    P/S My "ex" is pissing the shit out of me.
    Fiannino departed @ 11:00 PM